The Importance of Disaster Recovery Call Centers in Hospitals

In an era marked by unpredictable crises—ranging from natural disasters and pandemics to cyberattacks and mass casualty events—hospitals face immense challenges in maintaining operational continuity and ensuring patient safety. One critical component of an effective disaster response plan is the establishment of a disaster recovery call center. This specialized facility serves as a lifeline during…

From Scrubs to Headsets: Why Call Centers Hire Medical Professionals to Process Calls

Why Working for a Call Center is a Great Opportunity for Former Registered Nurses Transitioning from a Physician’s Office The Covid pandemic had a drastic impact on the nursing profession. As of recent estimates, it’s believed that around 100,000 to 200,000 nurses in the United States alone have left the profession since the start of…

Modern Advancements Open the Door to More Call Center Options

Why Partnering with a Local Answering Service Is Less Important in Modern Times For businesses and medical practices, it was once a convenience, and sometimes a requirement, to shop only local call center partners. However, in today’s interconnected and technologically advanced world, the significance of partnering with a local answering service has diminished compared to…

From Emergency to Efficiency: The Impact of Answering Services on a Hospital’s Success

Hospital systems typically staff an in-house telephone operations team to field calls for each location. But that doesn’t mean that a third-party answering service is unnecessary. In fact, it’s vital to have a back-up in place if call traffic surges, or worse: an outage occurs. Hiring an answering service can play a crucial role in…

The Reviews Are In: TAS United’s Nurse on Demand Provides “Dependable and Economical” Patient Care

With the addition of “Nurse on Demand,” TAS United has made a tremendous impact on patient care in 2024. “After we achieved HITRUST certification, our hospital accounts were asking us for an even higher level of service for their patients,” said TAS United president, Kevin Ryan. “Nurse on Demand will allow hospitals and small practices…

The Daily Special: How a Medical Call Center Can Revolutionize Your Practice During Office Hours

Often Just Considered an After-Hours Partner, Medical Answering Services Offer Wonderful Solutions to Your Daytime Operations Medical answering services can provide a range of benefits for your family practice even during regular office hours. Here’s how they can help: Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Enhanced Patient Experience: Additional Services: Choosing a Medical Answering Service: By partnering…

An “Answer” for Durable Medical Equipment: The Partnership of Call Centers and DME Companies

DME companies deal with a wide range of customers, from individuals needing home medical equipment to healthcare providers requiring bulk orders. An efficient communication system is vital to address customer inquiries, process orders, and manage emergencies. Answering services have emerged as a critical component in achieving these objectives, significantly enhancing the operational efficiency and customer…

In the Office or at Home: This is How an Answering Service Benefits Home Health and Hospice Companies

Home Health is one of the most unique industries in medicine. Physical therapists, speech therapists, and nurses are constantly out of the office and in the field, visiting the homes of patients throughout the day, and on-call during the evenings. With so many employees coming and going, seamless communication is paramount. This is where the…